Living with dentures in Greenville, NC, can be a life-changing experience. They can restore not only your smile but also your ability to chew, speak, and enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle. However, the path to embracing dentures as a part of daily life is not without its share of challenges. From discomfort and difficulty speaking to the intricacies of eating with dentures, navigating this requires patience, guidance, and practical solutions.

So, let’s dive into the world of dentures, explore common problems denture wearers face, and uncover tips needed to overcome these obstacles.


Many people who consider dentures often wonder if they can live a normal life. Will they still be able to enjoy their favorite foods? Can they speak clearly without hesitation? Can they engage confidently in social interactions? The answer, with resounding assurance, is yes!

Dentures have come a long way, evolving into sophisticated dental prosthetics crafted to mimic the natural appearance and functionality of your teeth. Additionally, the advancements in denture technology have led to improved bite alignment and stability, allowing for easier chewing and speaking. Whether you need a full set of dentures to replace all your teeth or partial dentures to fill in gaps, these prosthetics are skillfully designed to restore your ability to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.



Discomfort is a common issue faced by denture wearers and can be caused by various factors. In addition to an improper fit or sore spots, other causes of discomfort may include gum irritation, pressure points, or changes in the shape of your mouth. To address discomfort, follow these solutions:

Consult your dentist: If you experience discomfort, it’s essential to consult your dentist. They can assess the fit of your dentures in Greenville, NC, and make necessary adjustments to ensure a better fit and reduce sore spots.

Use denture adhesive: This can enhance the stability of your dentures and reduce discomfort caused by movement. Apply a small amount of denture adhesive as directed by the manufacturer for improved comfort.

Difficulty Speaking

An oral appliance in your mouth can affect how your tongue and other oral muscles move and interact. This alteration can temporarily impact your ability to pronounce certain sounds or articulate words clearly. You may find that your speech sounds different, or you may struggle with specific sounds or words.

Adjusting to speaking with dentures may require time and practice. Here are some solutions to improve speech clarity:

Practice speaking exercises: Engage in regular speaking exercises to improve pronunciation and clarity. Reading aloud, reciting tongue twisters, and repeating challenging words can help strengthen the muscles involved in speech.

Speak slowly and articulate: Take your time when speaking and focus on enunciating words clearly. Practice speaking with your dentures to help your mouth adjust to the new prosthetics.

Seek professional help: If you continue to experience significant difficulty in speaking, consider seeking assistance from a speech therapist who specializes in working with denture wearers.

Gum Irritation and Soreness

Gum irritation and soreness can occur when wearing dentures due to several factors. The pressure and contact between the dentures and your gums may lead to gum sensitivity and sore spots or pressure points. Additionally, if the dentures are not properly fitted, they can cause increased friction and irritation of the gums.

Here’s how to alleviate these issues:

Rinse with saltwater: Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting it out.

Give your gums breaks: Remove your dentures for short periods throughout the day to give your gums a chance to rest and heal.

Apply a denture adhesive sparingly: Applying a denture adhesive can help improve the fit and reduce gum irritation. Use the adhesive sparingly and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Remember, if any denture problem persists or becomes increasingly uncomfortable, it’s important to seek professional assistance from your dentist. They can provide personalized solutions to address your specific needs.


Adapting to Eating with Dentures

Eating with dentures may feel different initially, but with time and practice, you can adapt. Take smaller bites and use both sides of your mouth to distribute the pressure evenly. Chew slowly and thoroughly. If you experience discomfort while eating, consult your dentist for adjustments.

Denture-Friendly Foods

Here’s a list of denture-friendly foods that are easy to chew and enjoy:

  • Soft fruits like bananas, berries, and melons
  • Cooked vegetables like carrots, peas, and sweet potatoes
  • Soft proteins like fish, eggs, tofu, and ground meats
  • Dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and pudding
  • Moist and tender grains like cooked rice, pasta, and oatmeal

Get creative with these foods and try different recipes to make your meals enjoyable and nutritious.

Gradually Reintroducing Harder Foods

Once you’re comfortable with soft foods, it’s time to reintroduce harder foods. Modify the texture or preparation of harder foods to make them more manageable. For example, cut fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces or cook them until they are softer. Gradually increase the resistance by adding foods like cooked chicken or steamed vegetables. By taking it step-by-step, you’ll regain confidence in eating a wider variety of foods.

You should know that difficulties in chewing may arise due to changes in bite force and stability, as dentures in Greenville, NC, may feel different from natural teeth. Ill-fitting dentures can further hinder effective food breakdown.


Confidence is essential for your overall well-being and self-esteem. Many individuals worry about their dentures in Greenville, NC, appearing unnatural and may feel insecure. Here’s how to address this concern and wear dentures with confidence:

Customize Your Dentures for A Natural Look

Work closely with your dentist to ensure your dentures are customized to match your natural teeth and facial features. This includes choosing the right size, shape, and color of the prosthetic. A natural-looking smile can boost your confidence and make you feel more comfortable wearing dentures.

Capture Confident Smiles

Take the opportunity to snap some pictures of yourself with your dentures, showcasing your confident smile. Experiment with different angles and lighting to find the most flattering shots. Reviewing these pictures can help you see how natural and appealing your smile looks, boosting your self-assurance and reinforcing your positive perception of your dentures in Greenville, NC.

Record Yourself Talking

Use your smartphone or a camera to record yourself having a conversation or giving a short presentation. This allows you to observe your speech clarity and assess how well your dentures function during daily interactions. Seeing and hearing yourself speak with dentures can provide reassurance and help you identify areas where you may want to focus on improvement, such as pronunciation or enunciation.

Cultivate a Positive Mindset

Embrace the fact that dentures in Greenville, NC, can enhance your quality of life and restore your smile. Adopting a positive mindset can help you overcome any initial self-consciousness or insecurities. Remember that many people wear dentures, and they are a common solution for dental health. Focus on the benefits of wearing dentures, such as improved oral function and a confident smile.


Proper hygiene is essential for both your oral health and the longevity of your dentures. Adopting a new hygiene routine can feel unfamiliar at first, but with some guidance and practice, you can easily navigate this transition.

Denture Cleaning

Regularly cleaning your dentures is crucial for maintaining their appearance, function, and oral health. Follow these tips:

  • Remove and rinse: After eating, remove your dentures and rinse them thoroughly with water to eliminate food particles and debris.
  • Brush your dentures: Use a soft-bristle brush or a brush specifically designed for denture cleaning. Gently brush all surfaces of your dentures to remove plaque, stains, and bacteria. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or regular toothpaste, as they can damage the denture material.
  • Soak overnight: Soak your dentures in water or a denture solution overnight. This helps keep them moist and prevents warping. Follow the instructions provided with the soaking solution.


Adjusting to a new hygiene routine with dentures in Greenville, NC, can take time. Here are some tips to help you get comfortable and develop a consistent routine:

Gradual Transition

Start by incorporating small changes into your daily routine. Begin with denture cleaning techniques and gradually integrate gum and remaining teeth care. This gradual transition allows you to adapt step by step, reducing any feelings of overwhelm.

Consistency is Key

Make a conscious effort to follow your new hygiene routine every day. Set reminders or create a checklist to help you stay on track. Over time, consistent practice will turn these new habits into second nature.

Seek Support

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist or dental hygienist if you have any questions or concerns. They can provide guidance, demonstrate proper techniques, and address any issues you may encounter.

By following these tips and being patient with yourself, you can easily adjust to a new hygiene routine with dentures and ensure the best possible oral health outcomes.


Are you interested in dentures or have concerns about your current ones? Michels & Gauquie DDS PA is here to help. Our dedicated team specializes in denture care, offering solutions tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today and schedule your appointment!