When it comes to caring for your child, most parents are well aware of the need for routine dental visits as part of their baby’s health care plan. Less well-recognized is the importance that early and regular dental care plays. Early visits let the pediatric dentist check for proper oral development. Checking if the teeth are growing in properly, and detect early tooth decay. Tooth decay can have serious implications for a child’s long-term health and is becoming more of a problem.
A possible contributor to this is fewer children visit a dentist at least once a year. Parents may avoid taking a child to the dentist to save money. Children who have their first dental visit before age one have lower dental costs in their first five years than children who don’t.
No one is more equipped to care for primary teeth than Michels & Gauquie. Having the first dental visit in an office designed for kids before the onset of any tooth problems establishes trust and confidence in dental care in children that can carry over later in life.