Is it sometimes difficult for you to clean your teeth due to malocclusion? The question arises here that what is malocclusion? It is a misalignment of teeth that can lead to bad oral health and many other complications. It is also referred to as crowded teeth, crossbite, overbite, underbite and open bit.

Ideally, your teeth are supposed to fit easily within your mouth without any crowding and rotations. The teeth on the upper jaw should slightly cover the teeth on the lower jaw so that the sharp ridges of the molars fit into the opposite molars.

Malocclusion dentist pulling down lipsWHAT ARE THE CATEGORIES OF MALOCCLUSION?

1 – malocclusion is the most common category of malocclusion in which the upper teeth slightly overlap the lower teeth but the bite is normal.

2 – Overbite or retrognathism that happens when the bottom teeth are severely overlapped by the upper jaw and teeth.

3 – The condition can also be called underbite or prognathism that happens when the lower jaw protrudes frontward and overlap the upper teeth and jaw.


One of the common reasons for Malocclusion is hereditary. This shows it passes down through parents and grandparents. It may be caused by a difference in the size of both jaws or between the teeth and jaw size which leads to tooth overcrowding or irregular bite patterns. Some of the birth defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate could be reasons for malocclusion too.

Apart from these genetic defects, there are some conditions which result in misalignment of teeth with time. The conditions include:

– Misalignment of the jaw or a fracture to the jaw after a severe injury.

– Habits such as thumb sucking during childhood, use of a pacifier after age 3, tongue thrusting and continued use of a bottle.

– lost teeth, late fall of primary teeth, impacted teeth, or unusually shaped teeth.

– Mouth breathing potentially due to allergies or by enlarged nodes.

– Ill-fitting retainers, or braces.- Some tumours of the jaw and mouth.


Aligned teeth are easy to clean and maintain oral hygiene which is good for overall health. If the mouth or teeth will be free of plaque there will be fewer cavities and no gum related problems. Aligned teeth help in chewing properly and avoiding any unwanted wear of teeth such as attrition or bruxism.


Mild malocclusion does not require any treatment but if there is severe malocclusion the dentist may advise you to visit an orthodontist. An orthodontist is a specialist who deals with problems with malocclusion. After a thorough examination of your teeth and diagnosing the type of malocclusion the orthodontist will recommend various treatment options such as:

– Braces or Invisalign to correct the position of the teeth.

– Extraction of teeth in case of overcrowding.

– Bridging or capping in case irregularly shaped teeth to reshape them.

– Surgery in case of the deficient jaw or in case of an injury to reshape the jaw.

– Placement of wires or plates in case of temporomandibular joint issues to stabilize the jaw bone.

The most preferred treatment to problems including twisted teeth and crowded teeth is orthodontic treatment. People sometimes resist for orthodontic treatments due to the placement of the metal brackets and wires on their teeth but current dentistry has made some extraordinary advancements in terms of methods of treatments.

The treatment of malocclusion of teeth varies according to age such as in children early treatment in childhood will lessen the duration of treatment, and also will not be expensive with good result. Adults can also get a good correction of alignment but their treatment will be more time consuming and more expensive. The earlier you treat nonalignment, the better the outcomes you get so book your appointment right away and get an aligned flawless smile.